Ultimate Mindful Guide For Working Moms To Survive The Festive Season

Hey there, fellow busy moms! Can you feel the holiday stress creeping up on you? I know I sure can! Living in the Netherlands is amazing, especially for kids. Did you know that Dutch children are the happiest children in the world? It’s true! And with so many festive traditions like King’s Day, Sint Maarten, and Sinterklaas, it’s no wonder that Dutch kids are always smiling. But let’s be real. It’s up to us parents, especially moms, to make it all happen (spoiler alert, that is why you need this mindful guide for working moms!)! We want to create memorable holiday experiences for our families, but sometimes, our busy schedules get in the way. 

So, how do we balance work, life, and the holidays? The answer is simple: mindfulness. By practicing mindfulness, you can find your inner peace and gain a fresh perspective on your situation. And I’m here to share the ultimate mindful guide for working moms to survive during this festive season! Let’s dive in to learn all about the mindful guide for working moms, shall we?

Mindful Guide For Working Moms To Survive The Festive Season

festive season

Do you ever wake up some days and just wish it was already Saturday? That one day when you can just lay in bed and take it easy without worrying about getting you and your kids ready for school or work? I feel you! But with all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s easy to feel a bit overwhelmed and unsure of where even to begin. Between shopping for gifts, attending end-of-year school performances, hosting Christmas parties, and trying to declutter for the new year, it’s no wonder we’re all feeling the stress. And let’s not forget that we still have to work during this busy season! 

That’s why I want to share with you this mindful guide that will help us working moms survive the festive season with ease. Mindfulness is about being aware of where and what you’re doing. It’s like a superpower that helps you see yourself holistically while remaining connected and focused on your inner self. This skill set can keep you from feeling drained by stressful situations and help you maintain calm regardless of what you’re going through. By practicing mindfulness, you’ll be able to keep your mental and emotional well-being in check, which is essential for working moms during the festive season!

1. Delegate Responsibilities

The holiday season can be overwhelming with all the gift buying and food preparation, but it doesn’t have to be a one-person job. Involve your loved ones in the process and delegate tasks to them. Your husband can help with gift ideas and charge for dessert, drinks, and groceries. Let your children pack the gifts, even if it’s not perfect. When you wrap the presents with Christmas ribbon, it will look fantastic, and people will appreciate the effort put in by your kids. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and be mindful of doing things with your loved ones; your family members will be happy to be part of the process and feel proud of their contributions. Remember, you are the boss, but the holiday season’s joy is sharing it with your loved ones. For more tips on mastering delegation, click here to read more!

2. Setting Realistic Expectations

Festive season mindful guiud

I can sense that you have high aspirations for your home and family during the festive season. It’s natural to want everything to be perfect, but it’s important to remember that you are only human and that it’s okay not to exceed everything. Instead of striving for perfection, let’s set realistic expectations and focus on what truly matters – sharing love with your family, making memories with your children, and creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere in your home. The beauty of the festive season is in the imperfections and the moments that are shared with loved ones. So, as you prepare for the season, remember to be mindful, enjoy the process, and embrace the magic of the holidays.

3. Finding Gratitude and Enjoying the Spirit

As we prepare our homes and decorate for the festivities, let us remember the true reason behind our actions. It’s not just to show off but to truly embrace the joy and spirit of the season. Let’s take a moment to be grateful for our homes and the opportunity to beautify them for this special time and for the loved ones we can share this joy with. Gratitude comes from being aware of both our surroundings and our inner selves. By being mindful of who we are, what we have, and who we love, we can cultivate a sense of gratitude that fills our hearts with joy and appreciation. Let us focus on today and on the things that truly matter. Before we know it, we will be overwhelmed by the abundance of gratitude in our hearts, and it may transform stressful moments into enjoyable moments! If you want to read more about practicing mindful gratitude, click here to read more!

4. Mindfully Expressing Expectations

As a working mom, I often hear about the difficulties that come with family obligations. The holiday season is a time for bringing loved ones together, but it can also cause conflict. Differences can surface due to increased alcohol consumption, infrequent visits, or simply a spur-of-the-moment conversation. It’s natural to want a perfect holiday season without conflict, but that’s not always possible. To ensure a happy gathering, it’s crucial to communicate mindfully with family members, engage everyone in fun activities, and set clear boundaries on certain topics. Encourage your partner to play an active role in ensuring everyone has a good time. By openly communicating expectations with each other, you can make your holiday season more joyful and festive.

5. Self-Care For Working Moms


With the festive season upon us, it’s easy to forget about taking care of ourselves. However, it’s important to find time to relax and unwind. You may not be able to go on a pampering trip or visit a spa, but you can start practicing self-care at home. Have you heard about mindful exercise? It’s effortless and requires no equipment or designated time. By simply paying attention to your surroundings, you can experience a sense of relaxation and mindfulness. Check out these 7 mindful exercises to get started. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential, especially during the busy holiday season.

6. Embrace Small Moments of Joy, Mindfully

Wait, you still have a lot on your plate. You haven’t finished your Christmas shopping, you’re unsure about the main dish for dinner, and you haven’t even decided on a theme for your holiday decorations. On top of that, your son’s Christmas sweater from last year no longer fits, and you’re struggling to find a replacement at the last minute. I know it can be overwhelming, but take a deep breath and focus on the present moment. Take a look around you and appreciate the beauty of your Christmas tree and the memories attached to each ornament. Remember the small moments of joy that come with the holiday season. Embrace the process, and don’t worry about perfection. The most important thing is to find happiness in the present moment and celebrate the season’s joy.

Are You Ready For the Festive Season With the Mindful Guide For Working Moms?

As the festive season approaches, it’s easy to let the stress overwhelm us and turn a joyful time into a hectic one. But remember, this is the perfect opportunity to be the loving and caring person you are. When you’re relaxed and happy, your children feel it, too. So take a moment to enjoy the season and make it your own truly. It’s understandable to feel the pressure, but connecting with your inner self and practicing mindfulness can bring a sense of calm to your mindset. Don’t let the stress take over – remember what’s truly important and embrace the festivities with open arms. As a working mom, you’ve got this. Wishing you a happy and merry festive season! (if you want to get tips on how to teach your child to learn the joy of giving, click here to read more!).