Midlife Crisis, Navigating & Thriving in the Mid-30s & Beyond

Navigating Midlife: The Sassy Mom’s Survival Guide to Rocking the Mid-30s and Beyond

Hey there, fabulous lady! Have you ever caught yourself gazing at old college photos, then looking in the mirror and thinking, “Who is this radiant creature with the impressive collection of laugh lines?” Welcome to the “mom-life middle ground,” where the mid-30s meet the famed midlife crisis. Yet, it’s not as intimidating as they make it out to be.

Is It a Bird? Is It a Plane? No, It’s the Midlife Crisis!

First, let’s debunk some myths. Our society paints the “midlife crisis” as a phase squarely between 40 and 60. But feelings of reinvention often ignite earlier, in the mid-30s. In “Are millennials experiencing a mid-life crisis earlier?” Deepti Dadlani, the ESTD, addressed “a study by the National Institute on Aging, the average mid-life crisis age has dropped from 45 to 35 in the past few decades. This means that people are experiencing feelings of restlessness, dissatisfaction, and uncertainty that were once associated with one’s 40s  much earlier in life.” You see, it isn’t always about the stereotypical bright red convertible (though no judgment if that’s on your bucket list). It’s more about that emotional tug-of-war between the vibrant, wild-hearted 20-year-old and the emerging wise, slightly wine-obsessed 40-something. 

Juggling Kids, Work, and… Existential Dread?

Who imagined juggling work deadlines, soccer practice, and existential reflection while seeking some elusive ‘me-time’? But then, neither had the wisdom to handle these with a fusion of grace and flair. This phase – think of it as the mid-30s roller coaster – is where the vitality of your 20s gracefully tangles with the sagacity of your impending 40s.

Wine, Wisdom, and Why Not?

You’ve certainly earned your stripes, ladies. For all mamas, from the unpredictable realms of diaper blowouts to boardroom breakdowns, you’ve risen stronger, maybe with a few more laugh lines and an impressive wine collection. So why not wear this period as a badge of honor? Embrace the challenge, redefine your dreams, and perhaps, just perhaps, treat yourself to that handbag you’ve been side-eyeing.

Sashay Through, Don’t Stay Through

Remember, this isn’t a never-ending loop but a pit stop. A fabulous, glitter-strewn pit stop where you get to reassess, redefine, and recharge. It is a temporary phase but one with permanent lessons and memories.

Some inspiration to guide you through your mid-30s or midlife crisis? Here is my collection of famous phrases from the books written by Brene Brown regarding life’s journey, including mid-life. 

“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love, belonging, and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” (Source: Brown, B. (2010). The Gifts of Imperfection. Hazelden.)


“Midlife is when the universe gently places her hands upon your shoulders, pulls you close, and whispers in your ear: I’m not screwing around. It’s time. All of this pretending and performing – these coping mechanisms that you’ve developed to protect yourself from feeling inadequate and getting hurt – has to go.” (Source: Brown, B. (2012). Daring Greatly. Gotham Books.)

Does it inspire you? Share any phrases or quotes that inspire you. I would love to hear from you! Also, check out an article on Forbes, From Misery To Fulfillment: How To Successfully Navigate Midlife Transitions” by Dr. Ron Young, Forbes Coaches Council, Aug 20, 2021, where it talks about navigating the midlife transitional phase of our lives. In summary, the article addresses that transitioning from early adulthood to midlife can be either smooth or filled with feelings of loss and stagnation. Drawing on Erik Erikson’s life stages model, Dr. Young emphasizes that completing early life developmental tasks, such as trust and identity, sets the foundation for a fulfilling midlife. This period focuses on sharing life’s lessons and leaving a legacy. Failure to address early stages can result in midlife crises. However, even in midlife, one can revisit past tasks to find purpose and identity. Successfully navigating early life stages ensures a meaningful and rewarding midlife experience.

Wrapping Up:  You’ve Got This, and We’ve Got You!

To all the spirited working moms, full-time mamas, and every powerhouse woman navigating the tightrope between youthful vigor and mature wisdom: chin up, heels high, and strut forward with sass and class! And while you’re at it, dive into our community of fabulous mid-lifers. We share experiences, insights, and, yes, the occasional wine recommendation.

[Join us today and embrace the midlife adventure with panache!]