How to Master Delegating Tasks: A Guide for Moms

Why should you consider delegating your tasks?

As mothers, we are all too familiar with the challenge of balancing work commitments and being a parent. It can truly feel like juggling! But here’s some good news: assigning tasks to others can help free up time and ensure that both aspects of your life run smoothly. So, let’s delve into some tips on incorporating delegation into your routine.

Recognizing the Importance of Delegating

Mothers are often seen as superheroes who can handle anything. However, the truth is that we are only human. Achieving a life begins with acknowledging that it’s impossible to do everything. Whether managing a business or caring for a household, specific responsibilities can be entrusted to others, allowing you to focus on what matters.

What Are the Benefits of Delegating Your Tasks?

delegating tasks

Delegating your tasks has many benefits. Here are three main benefits:

1. Building trust and engagement

When you delegate your tasks to others, you share the responsibilities you care about. The article in The Times of India addresses that “you empower others to take responsibility and ownership of tasks, which builds trust and fosters autonomy.” You will have to trust someone who takes over your tasks, and this exercise will build trust between you and the person you are delegating your tasks with.

2. Taking less on your to-do list and improving motivation and productivity

The benefit of delegating tasks is to help you see and learn not to put too much on your plate. As a super mom, you feel you can do everything, and I am sure you are doing well. But it may not be a sustainable way of working. When you start delegating your tasks, you will see that you don’t have to do everything by yourself and know that you need some time off for yourself.

So, what now? You should learn how not to put too many tasks on your to-do list to begin with. As a result, as the journal published in Oxford Academy suggested, you will be more motivated to tackle tasks, and productivity will also improve.

3. Achieving a better work-life balance

Until the burnout hit me, I didn’t know that I was utterly losing balance in life. Working hard, not only for my corporate job but also for my household, the day is full of to-do lists. It is like a hamster in a wheel, running and running without knowing that there is no exit. It repeats daily, but there is no way out until you take the initiative to change it. So, when you have a moment after delegating your tasks, focus on finding a work-life balance.

Here, we have more related articles about the importance of finding a work-life balance and tips to help you find a work-life balance.

5 Tips on How to Master Delegating Tasks

what should you delegate

1. Team up in parenting

Delegation doesn’t mean you are giving up on your job or responsibilities; you are teaming up with your partner to create a more sustainable house environment. When you share the duties, it provides you with not only relief but also strengthens the bond with your partner. So, carrying less work and growing as a team with your partner is beneficial.

2. Get help from others

While your partner is the first one you shall delegate your responsibilities at home, external help can be the best alternative option for you when necessary. This external help can be your family, friends, or paid professionals.

Consider involving them to help with tasks you feel overwhelmed or don’t have to do by yourself, such as doing groceries or cleaning the house. Sometimes, your neighborhood can be helpful with sharing childcare duties, such as afterschool activities. So open your eyes and find external help when required.

3. Delegating at your work

When you delegate your tasks in a professional environment, ensure that your team or the people who share your duties understand your boundaries related to your availabilities. It is essential to communicate transparently and frequently to avoid misunderstandings while delegating tasks, and it helps others understand your needs better.

Always remember that delegating work doesn’t mean you are any less good enough to perform; you are simply making a wise decision to be available for your loved ones and find a work-life balance.

4. Make use of technology as a tool for delegating housework

We live in an era where technology can replace and support many of our needs and desires. So, why not make use of it? Make use of platforms available to delegate household chores among the family members. For example, you can register what each family member can do and is responsible for in the app.

By sharing and assigning tasks in this manner, you can involve your family members more in doing the housework and helping them (especially children) to learn to grow more responsible and helpful.

5. Lean on your community

Every household struggles, especially in modern society, where families are typically smaller and consist of only parents and children. This small household can lead to an overwhelming amount of to-do list for the parents who have to take care of the children, house, car, groceries, school, earning money, and other necessities. However, there is a solution to this problem: lean on your communities.

You can consider joining parent groups or online forums to get valuable tips and share tasks to help and support each other. If you and your neighbor’s kid attend the same school, you could take turns picking them up after school, saving your valuable time on the road. Finding this helpful arrangement can mutually benefit you and your neighbor, and this small change can be a game-changer in the long run.

Final Thoughts on the Importance of Delegating as a Mom:

Delegating tasks is hard

Delegation is hard, especially for moms. As a mom, we feel responsible for our children, family members, house, work, literally everything. So, it can be hard to delegate your tasks to others, which, in the beginning, perhaps makes you feel uneasy and guilty thinking that you are not doing your job.

But the truth is that you need some time for yourself to rest and breathe. You are a supermom, but you are only a human. So, learn to master delegating tasks and find more time to focus on yourself. Surprisingly, this will enhance greater efficiency, and you can truly embrace your moment with your loved ones. 


You are irreplaceable

As a mom, I try to remind myself that I should be happy and healthy to share the love with my loved ones; if you are sick as a mom, or if you are unhappy, your loved ones are also affected by how you are. So, you would instead take some time off and delegate your tasks to others to ensure you are happy and content, right? Remember, someone else can do these tasks, but you are not replaceable. 

Now, ready to delegate?

Now, I highly encourage you to be on the journey on how to delegate. It took me years to finally feel great about asking someone else to help and delegate my tasks. But once you adapt to this change, you will see what the great result it brings. 

Here are tips to find the right person to delegate your tasks: 

Find someone capable, responsible, and committed. You can review their skills, experiences, and knowledge to evaluate whether these people can perform the tasks effectively and efficiently. For example, if you are looking for a nanny, use a reputable nanny search website where the website provides you with screened nannies. If you are looking for a cleaner, it is also recommended to use a company that introduces a competent person who has already been screened. 

Stay and Share!

Finally, If you learn more about working mom, mom’s life, and life balance, stay tuned to find more related articles. Also, share your tips and experiences in the comments. We would love to hear from you, too!