Integration in the Netherlands, My Journey and Tips for Newcomers

My Rollercoaster of Integration in the Netherlands

Considering swapping your current skyline for Europe’s charming horizons? If the Netherlands is on your shortlist, then let me take you on a whirlwind tour of my life here – quirks, surprises, and all!

In my last entry, I gushed about the Dutch and their knack for friendly banter. True, sometimes it feels like I’ve accidentally signed up for a social marathon. But, come rain or shine, these small chit-chats are what make living here so endearing.


Have I experienced any discrimination during my integration in the Netherlands?

Now, here’s a fun tidbit. Being Asian in the Netherlands is a bit like walking into a surprise party every day. Most days, it’s heartwarming. However, some days? A tad odd. Cue the teenagers serenading me with “Nihao” – not exactly the tune I hoped for! I’ve chalked it up to their mischievous teenage phase, but the center of Amsterdam? It is the center of and heart of all expats, and oh, it’s been a whole different song and dance. So far, it’s been more welcoming beats and less off-key notes.

Speaking of notes, at my workplace, my credentials occasionally hit a false note. Being a lawyer from Asia, I sometimes felt like an unexpected chord in an orchestra. But hey, every new symphony takes some getting used to, right? And in no time, my colleagues and I were making music together.

Nothing to complain at all about my integration in the Netherlands?

Here are my top three observations:

integration netherlands weather

1. Let’s talk weather.

If you’ve lived in Korea, you know the romance of its seasons. Here? Well, Dutch weather is the quirky friend you didn’t know you needed. Mild, occasionally moody, and with a penchant for surprise rain showers! It’s no Korean winter wonderland, but those gentle drizzles have a unique charm.

integration netherlands bicycles

2. The cycling adventures!

The Dutch make it look like a breezy waltz. Me? I often felt like I was in a high-stakes rodeo, clinging onto my bicycle for dear life, especially during the fierce rush hours. But every fall, every misadventure, is just another hilarious story for my collection.

integration netherlands stroopwafels

3. Now, onto my most personal quirk – food.

Korea spoiled me with its rich culinary legacy. Here, while I’ve flirted with Stroopwafels and Olibollen, I’m still on the prowl for that signature Dutch dish that will make my heart sing. Recommendations, anyone?

But beyond these playful jibes, there’s something genuinely heartening about the Netherlands. The society’s generous spirit, encapsulated in its stellar social support, is like a warm hug on a cold day.

Now, are you ready to make a move?

So, if you’re contemplating hopping onto the Dutch bandwagon, I say – go for it! The Netherlands will welcome you with two open arms. You will be amazed by the never-ending open sight all around you (as there are no mountains, you see everything, nothing blocking your sight), windmills, and beautiful buildings in the city. And as you embark on this journey, share your tales, laughs, and quirks. After all, every new story makes this tapestry richer. If you want to read more about my journey as a mixed family in the Netherlands, click here for my related article!