Personal Quest on Work-Life Balance, Ultimate 9 Reasons Why

Work-Life Balance: A Personal Exploration

Ever felt like the rest of the world has the work-life balance thing figured out, and you’re just teetering on the edge? I used to roll my eyes at the very notion of ‘balance.’ But then, a shift in perspective changed everything for me; read my burnout journey here. If you’ve ever struggled to find that sweet spot between work and personal life, my journey might just resonate with you. Now, are you curious? Let’s dive in.

My Unexpected Reunion Revelations

Not long ago, I reunited with my former colleagues—our high-achieving gang from the old job days. As we swapped stories, I was shocked and reminded of my old self. Some boasted of working 11-hour days, sacrificing their personal lives for professional praise and promotions. It took me back to a pre-baby time when I was in this endless loop of work. I’ve battled burnout twice, making me all the more committed to finding my work-life equilibrium.

Interestingly, while half of my colleagues identified their career success as their identity, the other half was split. And some, like me, were learning to prioritize sustainability, while others, like my colleague Jasper, had mastered the balance from day one.

Does “More Work” Bring You A Success?

You see, Jasper’s approach was a lesson in itself. Once, when we were swamped and an additional project came in, I jumped in, thinking, “More work, more accolades!” Meanwhile, Jasper calmly declined, indicating his plate was already full. I admired his conviction. While I was burning the candle at both ends, Jasper’s energy was focused, efficient, and effectively bound.

Living in the Netherlands, I’ve noticed many professionals like Jasper. They immerse themselves in their work during office hours and then switch off, drawing a clear line between professional obligations and personal time. As for me? I always said “yes,” eager to please and fulfill every request, thinking it was my path to recognition.

The Lesson Learned

At the end of the day, I have learned my lesson of not looking after myself and ignoring my desire to find my work-life balance by continuing my workaholic lifestyle. The burnout hit me hard, pushing me to find a sustainable way of working style, e.g., work-life balance in my life.

So now, while some individuals argue that immersing oneself fully in work or specific endeavors may yield tremendous success or satisfaction. I was with you a few years ago. But hear me out. There are several universal reasons why work-life balance is beneficial for virtually everyone:

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9 Reasons Everyone Should Strive for Work-Life Balance

    1. Physical Health: Continuous work without breaks can lead to stress, manifesting in physical health problems such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, and sleep disorders. A balanced work-life schedule ensures adequate rest and recovery. This is not only about feeling good but also about long-term health. Accordingly, a study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that long working hours could be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

    1. Mental Health: Overworking can lead to burnout, anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders. Accordingly, proper work-life balance ensures individuals can disconnect, de-stress, and maintain their mental well-being. Also, a meta-analysis found a strong relationship between job demands, low job control, and risks for psychological disorders1.

    1. Enhanced Productivity and Performance: A well-rested and balanced employee can focus better, make fewer mistakes, and often develop innovative solutions. On the other hand, role stress related to role ambiguity and conflict can decrease performance, emphasizing the importance of maintaining equilibrium between professional and personal life2. Therefore, finding work-life balance will increase your chance of building a successful career in the long term.

    1. Strengthened Personal Relationships and Job Satisfaction: Employees with a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives often have a more positive outlook towards their job and personal relationships. Accordingly, they can foster more meaningful interactions with family and friends. Research indicates that work-life balance practices relate positively to job satisfaction across different cultures3.

    1. Reduces Attrition and Fosters Loyalty: Companies prioritizing work-life balance witness lower turnover rates. As a result, balanced employees are more likely to be satisfied with their roles and stay committed longer. A study shows that work-life solid balance practices reduce employee turnover4.

    1. Holistic Personal Development: Diversifying experiences between work and leisure contributes to personal growth. Engaging in leisure activities can reduce stress and provide new perspectives, adding to one’s personality and worldview5.

    1. Long-term Career Sustainability and Resilience: Occupational burnout can result from poor work-life balance and can lead to reduced job performance and commitment. Therefore, ensuring a proper balance is about day-to-day efficiency and sustaining a long, fruitful career6.

    1. Increased Resilience: Having diverse experiences in personal life, not just work, bolsters one’s resilience and ability to handle challenges. However, overworking can strain personal relations, leading to reduced familial satisfaction7.

    1. Positive Organizational Image and Life Satisfaction: Companies promoting work-life balance are considered caring and employee-centric. As a result, employees who achieve this balance feel a greater sense of life satisfaction. Such practices enhance a firm’s reputation and ability to attract top talent8.

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Finding Your Work-Life Balance

Knowing the importance of work-life balance and achieving it are two different ball games. The crux? Your mindset. You’re the captain of your ship, setting its course and boundaries. So, if I, a former workaholic, can navigate toward a balanced life, can you?

For those ready to make the leap, stay tuned for my upcoming pieces on “Finding Your Work-Life Balance.” Unfortunately, I have something to help you if you feel close to burnout. Read my article about “7 Steps for Workaholics to Avoid Burnout.

Now, are you ready for the next steps?

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