Why Should You Break Free and Quit Your Job Now?

Do you feel trapped? Do you want to break free and quit your job?

In the hustle of daily life, it’s easy to find ourselves trapped in jobs that drain our energy and enthusiasm. If you’re grappling with whether to continue on your current career path, thinking, “What am I doing with my life,” you are in the right place, as this article sheds light on everyday struggles. I was exactly like you, and I was not sure what to do with myself when I felt trapped, but I was not sure whether I could quit and break free from the familiar and secure life. So, here I offer you a fresh perspective on breaking free!

Let’s delve into ten compelling reasons why it might be time to bid farewell to your current job.

10 Reasons Why You Need to Break Free and Quit NOW!

1. Lack of Passion and Fulfillment

Ever feel like your job is sucking the soul out of you? Symptoms include Sunday night dread, lack of excitement about work-related tasks, and daydreaming about lunch breaks. According to Gallup’s employee engagement statistics, only 23% of employees worldwide actually feel engaged in their jobs. And still, what is holding you back? Should you consider breaking free and quitting if you are no longer passionate and fulfilled by the job you spend most of your workdays on?

2. Stifled Growth & Learning

If your work is as exciting as watching paint dry (yes, I am being sarcastic), it’s time to reassess. There is a big chance it is a signal your job is no longer challenging. The Society for Human Resource Management survey1 found that 79% of employees listed opportunities to use their skills and abilities as a top factor in job satisfaction. People crave jobs that let them flex their brain muscles, and so do you. So, do not waste your precious time while sitting on your comfortable office chair. Get out, break free, and quit to move on. I bet you can do much better in another challenging and exciting job that makes you feel fulfilled!

3. Toxic Work Environment

Is office drama part of your daily soap opera? Are you coping with a toxic workplace filled with negativity, politics, or a lack of support? Perhaps you are stressed and anxious, and your self-esteem is lowered at this point. I understand your feelings since I have experienced a similar toxic environment. However, I decided to move on from it. Once I left, I felt much better about myself. If you choose not to move on, you will continue to be subjected to this toxic environment. What is worth more than yourself? At the end of the day, you are everything you have left, and you know you deserve better2.

4. Mismatched Values

When your job and moral compass don’t sync, and you struggle with misalignment, it is time to move on. Believe it or not, the research indicates that a company’s values influence their happiness. I used to work in an industry that I wasn’t proud to talk about to those around me. While it wasn’t illegal, and some people enjoyed the products produced by it, I didn’t want to continue working there because it went against my moral beliefs. I felt like a hypocrite and eventually decided to move on. Money isn’t everything, but it’s not worth continuing if a job conflicts with your values and identity. You should be proud of what you are doing and passionate about your work for your happiness, right? So, if the company misaligned your moral beliefs, shouldn’t it be the time to swap the company you are working for?

5. Work-Life Imbalance

Have you ever wondered if your job knows you have a life outside the office? Are you juggling demanding work schedules with personal life, which might lead or perhaps already lead you to burnout? No wonder you feel exhausted and strained in relationships. You are too tired to do anything outside the office! The cost of burnout is higher than you may expect3. You may lose your confidence, feel easily overwhelmed, and find it hard to balance your life anymore; I tell you this from my experience.

So, why should you let your work take over your life? You need to take control and balance your life again. It is time to ‘STOP’! (if you already feel that you are almost burned out, click here to learn seven steps to avoid it and learn how to keep your work-life balance).

breaking free now

6. Undervalued and Underpaid

Do you feel like your contributions at work are undervalued and not fairly compensated? It’s understandable to feel frustrated and resentful in this situation. While some may say that money isn’t everything, and of course you would take pride in doing a good job. But the truth is that we spend a significant portion of our day at work, and being underpaid and unappreciated can negatively impact our job satisfaction, motivation, and passion for our work. If your employer is unwilling to provide the compensation and recognition you deserve, it may be time to consider other opportunities. After all, you deserve to work for a company that values and supports its employees.

7. Lack of Autonomy and Creativity

Got a manager who loves to go through every little detail of your work (where not at all necessary), which makes you unable to express your creativity? You must not feel innovative anymore. I bet you cannot perform to your full potential if you cannot express your creativity. If this way of working cannot be improved, I regret to tell you that your valuable time is wasted with your current job — it is time to move on. A Harvard Business Review study found that employees with higher levels of autonomy are more engaged, satisfied, and committed. Now, you know that micromanagement has affected your ability to work better and do more. So, what are you waiting for?

8. Absence of Purpose

When your job feels about as meaningful as alphabetizing your DVD collection (again, I am being sarcastic here), it’s time to reassess. You are struggling with the feeling that your job lacks meaning or purpose, and indeed, you will not be able to grow in your current job anymore. Not just that. A study found that employees who perceived their work as meaningful reported higher job satisfaction and overall well-being. So, do you need more reason to move on?

9. Mental and Physical Health Impact

If you suffer from stress-related health issues due to work pressure, it’s time to pause. This can cause insomnia, anxiety, and physical ailments. The American Institute of Stress reported that job stress is more strongly associated with health issues than financial or family problems. So, what you are dealing with is more severe and harmful for you than imagined. If you are in this situation, you must decide for yourself; put yourself first.

10. Entrepreneurial Aspirations

Are you dreaming of being your own boss while scrolling through the emails from your manager at work? You must feel restless and urged to make the necessary changes to take more control over your career. It is always now or never! If you start today, you are one day younger than tomorrow, and you have one younger day of yourself to be on an adventure. Trust me when I say this because I also recently became my own boss, and it is fantastic to work for myself!

Time for Breaking Free and Quitting Your Job?

Ready to cut the office cord and fly? 

Navigating the complexities of deciding whether to quit your job is a journey that involves introspection, courage, and a dash of pragmatism. By considering these ten signs you are experiencing and the consequences of not taking action, you’re better equipped to evaluate your current situation and make an informed choice.


Remember, your well-being and fulfillment should always be paramount. Whether you pursue a new career path or remain in your current job, understanding your needs and aspirations is the first step toward a more satisfying professional life.

Here is Your Ten Job Satisfaction Questionnaire

Before you leave, check out the ten-questionnaire to assess whether you are ready to shake things up!

job satisfaction questionnaire break free and quit

Now, click here to check your result. You will be able to learn and get a better insight into what you feel about your job. It will help you to clear your mind and to support your next steps!

Do you feel the same way? Share how you achieve to break free and quit!

Feeling the same? Join our community for support and tips on navigating career transitions, and if you have a personal experience or tip about ‘breaking free,’ share your story with us in the comments below.

  1. Society for Human Resource Management, “2019 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement” (2019) ↩︎
  2. Harvard Business School, “The Cost of Workplace Incivility” (2013) ↩︎
  3. World Economic Forum, “The Global Risks Report 2019” (2019) ↩︎