An Honest Insomniac Digital Diary of My Life

Does the “Insomniac life” resonate with you?

So, this is an insomniac digital diary. What do I mean by this? Well, let me tell you.

I can hardly believe how exhilarating it feels to have this newfound space to channel my late-night (or, rather, early-morning) musings. The beauty of this digital realm is its liberating nature – I can share candidly, without reservation or awaiting validation. Frankly, for now, I’m delightfully indifferent to any external judgments, and there you go, my insomniac digital diary toward the digital world.

Today, like many other nights, sleep eludes me. Checking the clock, it reads 4 AM. It’s ironic, considering it’s neither the weekend nor a special occasion. A typical day lies ahead with its typical challenges.
Earlier, my son stirred, haunted by a nighttime phantom, pulling me from a light slumber. Attempting to comfort him, I welcomed him into our bed, where he soon found solace and returned to his dreams. But my mind? It had other plans.


Having recently embarked on this blog adventure, my brain is a whirlwind of thoughts and topics to explore. It’s almost as if my mind took this insomniac phase as an invitation to brainstorm! With many ideas playing tag in my head, I decided there was no time like the present to bring them to life.

The allure of “slow thinking.”

The allure of “slow thinking” has been a concept I’ve wanted to immerse myself in (find my related blog, where I talked about this concept). Achieving a “flow” state, where time becomes a mere concept and focus intensifies, is something I yearn for. But, as Daniel Kahneman discusses in his book “Thinking, Fast and Slow,” it’s not always the easiest path to navigate (reference, Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow). With distractions, especially two-spirited children enjoying their summer holidays, and the continuous influx of blog content ideas, finding that peace and concentration remains challenging.

Still, resilience is the name of the game. I’m committed to giving “slow thinking” the attention it deserves. As they say, every journey starts with a single step, and I’m firmly planting mine.

Amidst these ponderings, an audacious idea sprouted: What if I challenge myself to pen down my thoughts daily, crafting them into a book after a year? While I’m only at the inception of this blogging journey, the enthusiasm fuels me. Can I maintain this momentum? Or is this another whimsical thought of an insomniac? Time will tell.

Announcing such an ambitious plan in the public domain certainly adds pressure. The accountability feels very real, even if I’m uncertain of my audience size.

The beckoning of sleep is finally becoming insistent, offering a brief respite before my lively children herald the morning. Their boundless energy in the early hours always has me questioning: Why such early birds?
To those wandering in the vast expanse of the internet, may your day be replete with wonder and zest.