Motherhood, Burnout, and Finding of the Work-Life Balance

Rediscovering oneself amidst the chaos of professional demands and parental roles.

Burnout: A Reality for Many Working Moms #Work-Life Balance

Have you ever felt overwhelmed to the point of burning out and losing work-life balance? You’re not alone. The story I’m about to share isn’t unique to me, but it’s one that many working mothers might resonate with.

A Journey From Korea to Corporate Ladders

Growing up in Korea, my childhood wasn’t dominated by the pressures that many of my peers faced. My mother’s philosophy was simple: enjoy childhood and let hard work find its natural course. And it did. My innate drive made me one of the top achievers at school. Little did I know that this intrinsic motivation would later lead to moments of exhaustion in my professional life.

The Delicate Dance of Work-Life Balance

For the initial six years of my professional journey, I effortlessly danced between the roles of an achiever at work and an involved family member at home. But motherhood brought unexpected challenges. The birth of my first child, combined with a promotion, house renovations, and then the birth of my second child during a pandemic, made me tip-toe dangerously close to the edge of burnout. Working nearly 13-hour days during the latter stages of my pregnancy, especially during the sweltering August heat, was an endurance test.

The Burnout Strikes

Despite all my preparation, I wasn’t ready for the actual burnout. It hit fast, and it hit hard. Headaches, blurred vision, and a severe lack of concentration forced me to pause and reevaluate (Read 7 Steps for Workaholics to Avoid Burnout to learn how to avoid burnout!).

Finding My Footing in a New Workplace

Hoping for a fresh start, I switched jobs, only to find myself in an environment where I constantly felt the need to prove myself. Colleagues, while empathetic on the surface, couldn’t truly grasp the double duty I was pulling off: excelling at work and being a full-time mom. The culture clash, paired with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, spiraled me into a second burnout. FYI, burnout has become a growing concern, especially among parents during the COVID-19 pandemic (reference: Parental burnout across the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic); so if you are one of them, you are not alone!

Embracing Change for Personal Growth

Through these challenges, an epiphany dawned: success would surely follow if I worked for myself with the dedication I offered to companies. Now, my focus has shifted towards personal growth, self-discovery, and ensuring a healthy work-life balance.

A Message to All Working Moms Out There, Trying to Find Work-Life Balance

For every mom striving to juggle her professional and personal life, you’re not alone. Many companies out there understand and support motherhood, offering environments that prioritize work-life balance. Always remember that it’s essential to prioritize your well-being and seek supportive environments. In my next blog, I will share tips for finding work-life balance for moms. Hang in there!

So, join me on this journey of self-discovery and finding the true essence of balance in life. Until next time, take care!