Adulting 101: Digital Nomad Dreams vs. Epic Real-Deal Family Life

Adulting 101: My life as a working mom and dream of being a digital nomad

Dear fantastic readers, how often do we dream of sipping coconut water on a beach while magically churning out blog posts and cashing in those e-checks? 🥥💻 #Digital Nomad Goals. But here’s the plot twist: that sandy beach might just be the local sandbox where my two-year-old’s latest masterpiece is a mud pie.

If I’m brutally honest, the only nomad journey I’m embarking on these days is the daily trek between the kitchen and the laundry room. Are you aspiring to be a digital nomad in your 30s? Sure! But I’ve got a mini-me attending school who can’t play hooky because Mom feels wanderlust. And then there’s my husband, who, despite his “flexible” work schedule, still seems glued to his office half the week.

I could consider an epic road trip with just my toddler as a digital nomad, but the thought quickly fizzles out. Why? My intuition says that trying to meet a work deadline with a two-year-old as my sole road trip buddy would be… ambitious. Plus, I value sanity.

digital nomad adulting

Maybe when my 50s come knocking, and the kids have crafted their own adventures (hopefully not involving any more mud pies), the hubby and I might just go full digital nomad. Until then, every juice spill, every parent-teacher conference. And yes, even that 30-year mortgage (who knew adulting came with so many receipts? 🧾) is all part of the grand plan.

Do I sometimes wonder about the choices I’ve made? The house – okay, maybe. But it’s our home, sanctuary, and space for dance-offs and impromptu karaoke. And the kids? Oh, darling, never! They are the rhythm to my life’s most enchanting song, the giggles behind my every joy. Truly, they’ve taught me more about ‘adulting’ than any self-help book ever could.

Being a mom is the realest, most challenging role I’ve ever landed. And it’s unscripted! With each day, I’m learning, laughing, and occasionally locking myself in the bathroom for a mini-break.

So, here’s the thing. While I fancy the no-strings-attached freedom of a digital nomad, my heart is full right here amidst the chaos. Because life’s most incredible adventures aren’t always on some distant shore but right in our living rooms, amidst toys and tantrums.

To all you amazing readers: Thank you for letting me share my version of “adulting” with you. Here’s to embracing every beautiful mess we create!

P.S. If you want to read more about my journals, click here to find them. 🙂