New Year, The Ultimate Goal Setting – What is the Goal?

Hey there! Don’t you just love this time of the year when everything is illuminated to brighten up the short daylight hours and cold weather? It’s the perfect time of year to cozy up under your warm blanket and indulge in all the Christmas goodies. But as much as we’d love just to relax and enjoy the holiday season, reality kicks in, and we’re back to our never-ending to-do lists. And before we know it, it’s a brand new year! We all get excited about making New Year’s resolutions, dreaming of all the amazing things we can achieve. And why not? A new year always brings new opportunities and encourages us to be bold dreamers. But setting achievable goals is key to making our dreams a reality. When we’re super motivated and full of energy and enthusiasm, we need to channel it into setting challenging yet achievable goals mindfully. So, what is the goal? I’ve set many goals in the past and achieved them all, surprising many people in my life who wondered how I did it. Well, today I’m going to share my tips for setting goals that you can actually achieve. So, are you ready to dive in? Let’s go!

What is the goal, and why must you set it up?


Another day

Picture this: a day with no plans, no obligations. How does it unfold? Let me share my version. I’d lounge in bed for as long as humanly possible unless nature’s call or hunger pangs forced me out. There’s no need to change out of pajamas – that’s an achievement in itself. A quick wash of the face and teeth (feeling productive already), some food, and then it’s time for endless scrolling on social media or diving into YouTube or Netflix. Lunch happens if hunger persists, all cozied up on the sofa with a warm blanket. By evening, I’m famished again, and dinner follows. Resting is next, and honestly, I can’t recall what I did all day. But when the Sandman beckons, I dutifully wash up and drift off. With a pinch of exaggeration, this could easily be my day without a goal.

Why set up a goal? What is the goal?

Let’s face it: we humans aren’t wired to be workaholics. We’re designed for eating, sleeping, and having a blast. Work comes into the picture to ensure we can enjoy those simple pleasures by providing food, shelter, and the means for extra fun. But there’s more to it. We crave purpose; we desire things in life, and that’s the secret sauce that fuels us to strive beyond our comfort zones. It compels us to work harder, learn more, and push our boundaries. To get what we desire, we naturally seek out a plan.

Enter the goal – it’s the juicy fruit we want to pluck from the tree of life. We must figure out what that fruit looks like and ensure all the prerequisites are in place. The goal is the fruit you pine for; setting a goal is like mapping out the journey to pick it.

Caution alert! We have to be smart!

Now, here’s the twist. Thanks to Instagram and TikTok, our generation is bombarded with the glitz and glamour of other people’s lives. It’s inspiring but can also leave you feeling a bit defeated when you compare your present self to influencers and high-achievers.

This constant exposure can sometimes cloud our judgment when setting goals. It might lead us to pursue goals that aren’t truly aligned with our desires, just to flaunt them – like owning a fancy luxury car when you’re not even a car enthusiast but you want to craft that perfect Instagram story.

So, let me guide you towards finding a goal that genuinely resonates with you and brings you joy. If you’ve ever hesitated about committing to long-term and short-term goal setting, here’s a reassurance: the moment you set goals and intentions, you’re already on your way to achieving one. And remember, your goal doesn’t have to be extravagant; it simply needs something that makes your heart sing.

When to set up a goal?


For many of us, a new year symbolizes a fresh start, making it the ideal time to set intentions and chase after them. But why limit yourself to just once a year? Each day can be a new beginning, a chance to embrace new goals and perspectives.

When and where should you start? The answer is simple: right now. As the saying goes, the moment you think it’s too late is the earliest you can embark on your goal-setting journey.

Now, if you’re eyeing a long-term goal for the upcoming year, you don’t necessarily have to wait until the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve. Your goal can sprout whenever you feel the urge for change and have something you want to achieve.

For those who prefer annual goal-setting, consider dedicating the last quarter of the year to planning. By the end of December, you’ll have crystal-clear goals and a roadmap to conquer them. This approach allows ample time for thoughtful planning and ensures that your goals for the new year are both achievable and meaningful.

But let’s say you’re nowhere near the end of the year or even the fourth quarter. Don’t sweat it. The day you set your intention becomes a new dawn in your journey. Whether it’s the first day of the year, a new month, or a seemingly ordinary Tuesday, it’s your personal starting line toward achieving your goals.

Are You Ready To Set Up A Goal?

Setting goals can be both simple and challenging. It all depends on how you approach it and how you construct it. The key is to ensure that your goals are not only achievable but also meaningful. They should inspire hope in you and provide you with the motivation to keep pushing forward. Here is a tip for your goal-hunting: be mindful! Mindfulness will help you see yourself from a heuristic point of view and connect your inner self and the present. As we approach the end of the year, take some time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. Stay positive, stay motivated, and keep striving towards your dreams. Remember, with determination and perseverance, anything is possible! In my next post, I will share detailed steps on how to set up an achievable and meaningful goal! Until then, have a happy year-end!

P.S. If you are looking for tips to survive the festive season as a working mom or as a single person, or if you need tips to keep motivating yourself during this festive season, click the links to get all you need to know!