Combating Consistency Challenges as a New Blogger and Mindfulness Explorer

Hey there! If you’ve been keeping up with me, you know I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery for a while now. I used to be a corporate lawyer and a mom, but now I’m a blogger who’s all about mindfulness and personal growth. It’s been quite the adventure so far on my mindfulness and blogging journey, with its ups and downs, but I’m loving every minute of it!

Quitting My 9-to-5 Corporate Job and Jumping into the Uncertainly

Have you ever found yourself in a position where you don’t remember who you are or where you belong? That’s exactly how I felt when I decided to quit my 9-5 corporate job and take on a new adventure. During my work hours, I was just a title; outside of that, I was known as a mom to my two lovely kids. But where was I? I was lost, confused, and felt like I was simply existing in this world. Every day, I worked tirelessly to fulfill my responsibilities as a mother, wife, and daughter, but I forgot about myself. And that’s when it hit me – I needed to take a step back and rediscover who I am and what I want from life. 


It’s been over three months since I began my journey to self-discovery, and let me tell you, it’s been quite a ride. The ups and downs, twists and turns, and challenges I’ve faced have made me stronger. But most importantly, I’ve learned to prioritize myself and my happiness. And now, I’m excited to see what the future holds for me.

The Reality: New Blogger and Mindfulness Explore

Why is consistency such a challenge in our personal growth journeys? Embarking on a personal growth journey can be exhilarating. The initial burst of enthusiasm and passion can be intoxicating, but as we encounter obstacles and setbacks, it can be challenging to stay the course. Even in my own fitness, blogging, and meditation pursuits, I’ve experienced this phenomenon. However, I reminded myself that this is a normal part of the process, and pushing through these moments of adversity is crucial to achieving my goals.

The Doubt and Struggle: The Inner Dialogue of a Working Mom

Every morning, I find myself wrestling with a sea of doubts and uncertainties that threaten to pull me under. The questions that plague me are unrelenting: was leaving my comfortable job a mistake? Would I be happier returning to the routine of a standard 9-to-5? These doubts are like a storm cloud that looms over my morning meditations and fights for my attention, making it challenging to find the inner peace that I seek.

The Lesson Learned: Blogging – A Journey of Patience and Discovery

Over the last three months, I have been learning about the importance of patience in the world of blogging. The desire for quick results can often conflict with the reality of slow and steady progress. Blogging differs from keeping a private journal since it involves sharing your thoughts with the public, which can present unique challenges and obstacles to overcome.

Self-Discovery: Rediscovering Identity As a New Blogger and Mindfulness Explorer

Embarking on this journey is more than just a mere career shift for me. It is a quest to delve deep into my true identity beyond the labels of being a ‘lawyer’ or a ‘mom.’ Every morning, I engage in a routine consisting of baking, yoga, and meditation (read more about my mindful morning ritual that ultimately changed my day), which has turned into a haven for self-awareness and mindfulness. I extend an invitation to you to join me on this voyage of self-discovery. Let’s share our stories, challenges, and victories. Together, we can navigate the uncertainties of life and find solace in our everyday experiences.

Final Thoughts as a New Blogger and Mindfulness Explore


How do you survive the consistency challenge of the first few months?

As I mentioned in my blog post on becoming motivated, setting a clear goal with reasonable expectations, and celebrating small achievements along the way are essential.

During my first month as a blogger, I didn’t have high expectations for my blog. My only goal was to produce high-quality and helpful content consistently. I was okay when I had no visitors because my expectations were low. However, when someone visited my website, it made my day. I even celebrated with my husband by opening a bottle of champagne. As I gained more visitors, I became overconfident and thought I could build a successful blog in just three months. I changed my goal too soon, and it became unrealistic, causing me to feel frustrated and stressed. My lesson learned was that it’s important to set realistic goals based on careful analysis and consideration. Once a goal is set, it’s important to stick to it and ensure you are on the right path toward achieving it. It’s great to exceed your goal, but staying on track and maintaining your focus is essential. This is especially important during the first three months of a new challenge.

So, What is the Next?

Over the past three months, I have undergone a significant internal and external transformation. I have realized the importance of embracing our unique paths, even when they appear unclear and uncertain. How much we can grow when we are receptive to new experiences and perspectives is astounding. I eagerly anticipate the next three months, as I am excited to face new challenges, learn new lessons, and experience positive changes.

Now, I’m excited to hear about your personal journey of self-discovery and mindfulness. Share your insights and experiences in the comments below, and let’s inspire and learn from one another.