Why Morning Is the Most Important Time for Your Daily Mindfulness Practice

Hello there! Are you interested in incorporating mindfulness into your daily life? Well, then, you are in the right place. Whether you’re a busy professional juggling multiple responsibilities or just someone seeking inner peace, incorporating daily mindfulness into your routine can bring significant benefits. Especially if you are a beginner, start your daily mindfulness practice early in the morning (I will share why below). As you may know, incorporating mindfulness can help you reduce stress, enhance concentration, make better decisions, and unlock a clearer mind (click here to read more about the benefits of incorporating mindfulness in your daily life). Now, let’s embark on an insightful journey together and explore my recent personal experience to learn why morning is the most important time for your daily mindfulness practice.

Why Incorporating Morning Mindfulness is Essential?

A Morning Ritual Like No Other: Morning Mindfulness Practice

mindful morning

If you’ve been meandering through my blog, you’ve likely stumbled upon my piece on my cherished morning ritual. To cut a long story short, I’m an early bird who wakes up before the crack of dawn, precisely before 6 a.m., to bake sourdough bread for my family. Baking is my little slice of heaven, and when my children once asked for fresh morning bread, a new ritual was born. I realized that an early start would allow me enough time to bake and serve fresh bread before the day beckoned.

The Genesis of a Mindful Morning

So, I started rising at 5:45 a.m., warming the baking pot for 25 minutes, followed by a 26-minute bread baking session, and a final 10 minutes before the bread was ready to come out of the oven. This one-hour ritual required my presence every 25 and 10 minutes, which got me thinking – why not utilize this time for some self-care? With the household still asleep and serenity reigning, I was all geared up. Thus began my routine of a 25-minute yoga session while the pot warmed up, followed by 25 minutes of meditation, accompanied by soothing zen music and a comforting cup of warm tea. This minor tweak in my routine morphed my mornings into a haven of contentment and satisfaction.

Challenges and The Path Back

Then came the language course, a six-day intensive dive that drained me thoroughly. The initial day went smoothly, adhering to my morning ritual. However, as the course progressed, exhaustion crept in, disrupting my early morning ritual. I reassured myself, thinking I’d get back on track post-course, but alas, the old habit of sleeping till the children woke me up took over. My days reverted to a whirlwind of rush and lack of mindfulness, leading to unhealthy snacking, increased coffee intake, and a quest to fill an unexplained void.

Reclaiming My Morning Mindfulness

sourdough bread

This morning, I shook off the lethargy and sprung out of bed at 5:45 a.m. The transformation was palpable! I felt rejuvenated, happier, and more present. The mindfulness that had eluded me was back, guiding my actions with intention once more.

The Crux of The Matter

Mindfulness, as simple as it seems, requires a conscious effort. Starting my day with a well-defined plan fosters a disciplined, mindful, productive, and motivated mindset. Conversely, a lack of plan spirals me into a chaotic, unfulfilling day. There’s a Korean saying about starting things right — buttoning the first button correctly to ensure the rest follow suit. Therefore, initiating your day with a mindful practice tailored to your preferences can significantly alter your day’s trajectory, leading to a more rewarding and accomplished life.

How to Incorporate a Morning Mindfulness Practice?

Motivate Yourself in The Morning

If you incorporate a morning mindfulness practice into your daily routine, it will likely set the tone for the rest of your day. Let’s say you wake up in the morning feeling rejuvenated after a good night’s sleep, have a delicious breakfast with your favorite dishes, and enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee. How would you feel? Happy, content, and calm, right? This is the best possible way to start your day and will help you maintain a positive outlook throughout the day. As a result, you are more likely to be in a good mood, be more generous and open towards people around you, and handle things that would typically irritate you with ease.

How to Start Your Day Mindfully

Starting your morning on a good note is crucial. It can set the tone for the rest of your day and beyond. This is especially important if you’re new to mindfulness. Starting a mindful morning routine is the best and easiest way to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. Once you start, you’re less likely to forget to practice mindfulness throughout the day. If you want to live a more mindful life, consider making morning mindfulness a part of your daily routine. You can find tips on how to build your own customized morning routine here.

Don’t hesitate. Start it now, the First Following Morning

morning mindfulness

As humans, we often hide behind our own reasons. Even as I write about mindfulness and know how to enhance and continue mindfulness, I encounter the same challenge. After a week of an intensive course, I retreated back to my comfort zone, where I could easily stay in bed and let my life go on as usual.

However, if you want to be more present in your daily life, improve yourself, and find your inner self, it’s essential to start a mindfulness practice. You can start with easy and accessible exercises, such as the seven exercises mentioned in my article. These exercises can be done anytime, anywhere if you are willing.

If you’re looking for ways to incorporate mindfulness into your morning routine, starting a mindfulness practice could be a good option. Personally, I used to be very committed and disciplined, but since having children, I’ve had to adapt and find what works best for me. The most important thing is to start as soon as possible, regardless of how small your initial steps might be. You can start with simple activities like breathing, eating, or journaling, or use a guided meditation app like Headspace (click here to try it out with our affiliate link and get free trials) to help you develop mindfulness in your daily life. Don’t hesitate any longer if you’re reading this article – start your mindfulness journey today!

Join us on the mindful journey. The first step is the hardest, but it’s also the most important. You’ll realize how easy it is and may regret not starting earlier. Remember, today is still earlier than tomorrow.

So, are you ready to start?