About Ironic Timing. That’s Right, Surgery on Birthday

Hey everyone, so I’ve got quite the tale to tell from yesterday — one that tested our emotions to the core but ended with a profound sense of gratitude.

So, here’s the scoop: our darling daughter has had this pesky breathing issue since she was just a wee two and a half years old. You know, it wasn’t alarmingly severe, but it did rob her of peaceful slumbers. Imagine trying to sleep and constantly being jolted awake because, well, breathing isn’t as effortless as it should be! It had us all on edge.

After some research, we consulted with our GP to see whether we could have the steroid nose spray prescribed, and he agreed. When we started using it, it helped…a smidge. But sweet dreams? They still eluded her. We kept hearing tales of kids outgrowing such things, and we clung to hope. Plus, who really wants their tiny one to undergo a tonsillectomy, right?

But fast forward to her fifth birthday, and we just couldn’t watch her struggle anymore. We consulted a specialist, who, after a peek inside her mouth, was like, “Those tonsils are MASSIVE! They gotta go!” So, we signed up for the surgery.

Talk about ironic timing – the surgery was scheduled for our son’s birthday! But, with months on the waiting list, we took the earliest slot we got.

D-day arrived before we knew it. It’s incredible how your heart can be bursting with pride and shattered with fear at the same time. We’d prepped our daughter with this kid-friendly video about the surgery. Guess what she was stoked about? The promise of post-surgery ice cream! (children are so innocent!)

She was such a trooper — walking into the operating room with the confidence of a superhero. But oh, when she woke up in pain… My heart broke into a million pieces. She asked me to sing lullabies for her and held my hands tightly through her pain, and even when she was throwing up blood from the surgery due to nausea from anesthesia — a side effect we were warned about — she remained so brave.

And here’s the kicker: apart from those monster tonsils, the doctor discovered her adenoids were massive, too, and took them out. No wonder she had so many ear and nose issues! That revelation, my friends, was both a shocker and a relief.

We had the ironic timing that my daughter was under surgery on the day when I gave birth to my son. But bringing my daughter home safely after the surgery, seeing my son happily waiting for us, and being happy to see us were everything I needed. Having my children around and celebrating the successful surgery and birthday together.

my daughter surgery

Today, our girl is already on the road to recovery. She’s been gobbling down food that’s soft, cold, and easy on her throat. And last night? For the first time, her sleep was a gentle whisper. I had to strain to hear her breathe — such a far cry from the days when I needed earplugs because her labored breathing echoed through our home.

To all the warrior parents out there facing health challenges with their kids, hang in there. Your strength is immeasurable. Sending all the love and positive vibes your way!