How Your Love Life Can Elevate or Sabotage Your Work-Life Balance – Partner’s Role

How often did you think about the importance of your partner’s role in work-life balance?

Hey there, lovely people. Let’s get real for a second. How often have you considered the importance of your partner’s role in your work-life balance? Probably not as often as we talk about work-life balance. We know work-life balance is crucial, especially for working moms who are juggling a career and family responsibilities, but we also know that it’s not easy to maintain. However, there is a way to improve your work-life balance. How? Let’s discuss it, shall we?

You Are Not Alone.

When working moms are overwhelmed with life and careers, people often give us a pep talk, saying, “You are not alone.” Perhaps your partner would say, “We are in it together.” These pep talks are friendly and give you some energy you need. But do you actually get what you need? Perhaps you have a support system around you to support you, and your partner is maybe as dedicated as you are and shares the tasks with you at home.

parter's role in work-life balance

Sadly, this is not always the case. According to Perspect Public Health, 60% of moms are experiencing loneliness in parenthood, and I see many working moms sacrificing their careers to support their families. At the same time, dads can keep up with their careers without a setback. So, let me challenge you. Is your partner sharing the family tasks with you as equally as you are?

Does Your Partner “Help” You?

During the conversation with my husband about sharing household tasks, I often get irritated when he asks, “What can I do to help you with the family tasks? What shall I do to support?” Although he is a supportive and participating husband, when he says the word “help,” it makes me feel that he is not taking equal ownership of housework. Why does he think he is helping? Why doesn’t he think it is also his job to do?

Differences between moms and dads in their roles as parents

As a mom, I tend to take more responsibility for caring for our family. Is my husband the same in this? There are noticeable differences between moms and dads regarding how they view their roles as parents.

moms and dads view on their roles as parents

An article by the Pew Research Center suggested that “While the vast majority of mothers and fathers (88% and 85%, respectively) say being a parent is the most or one of the most important aspects of who they are as a person, a larger share of moms (35%) than dads (24%) say it is the most important aspect”. So, this may explain why our partners try to “help” us instead of taking charge. 

Why Your Partner’s Role is Important In Your Work-Life Balance?

Your partner’s role is essential in your work-life balance because they can give you room for “me-time” and stand by you when you struggle. 

Let’s be honest – it takes two to tango. If you are overwhelmed and stretched too thin, your partner has to be the one who changes the situation for you. As working mothers, it is easy to become consumed by housework and children’s matters. This is natural and a part of who we are, but our loved ones can help us change how we approach our household responsibilities and maintain a healthy work-life balance. When your partner understands and supports your career and personal needs, it reduces the pressure and stress you experience and enriches your relationship.

So, don’t only let your partner simply unload the dishwasher and declare their work done. Your partner can actively shape a harmonious work-life balance by taking more ownership of household tasks and supporting your “me-time.”

How Can Your Relationship Harm Your Work-Life Balance?

As human beings, our personal lives can significantly impact our work-life balance. When we experience issues with our partners, whom we value and love the most, it can affect our personal and professional lives. In particular, an unsupportive and stressful relationship can harm our work performance.

If you feel that you are being taken for granted or disconnected from your partner, finding a solution to improve your relationship is crucial. Emotional disconnection from your partner can negatively impact your career, so it’s crucial to address any issues that may be affecting your personal life.

Starting a conversation with your partner could be a helpful step towards improving your relationship and achieving a better work-life balance. How? Let me explain to you.

How to Talk About Your Need With Your Partner to Improve Your Work-Life Balance?


The keys to discussing your needs with your partner to improve your work-life balance are good timing and open conversation. 

Easier said than done, right? It is difficult to bring up this topic without sounding like you are complaining about your partner. I have been there, I know. What I do with my husband is that often, on a quiet evening, when the children are down, we sit together. It is often a Saturday night, so we are more relaxed and don’t think about our work. When conversing with your partner, you must be honest about what you need, how you feel, and where your partner can support you. But also importantly, you need to carefully listen to your partner’s side of the story to mutually understand each other’s situation and co-create your life together. 

Recent research addressed that 60% of UK employees claim a poor work-life balance has harmed their relationships at home. The work-life balance is important not just for you but for your partner as well, and regular conversation with your partner about your needs and wishes will benefit you and your partner to improve your work-life balance and positively affect your career.

Final Thoughts on Your Partner’s Role in Improving Your Work-Life Balance

Now, it is time to have that conversation. Being a working mom is a tough job, and you know you must find a work-life balance to keep going. So, you need to open up and let your partner know your struggles and what you need to find that balance. Achieving work-life balance is beneficial not only for your physical and mental health but also for the well-being of your family (you can read more about it here). Don’t shy away from confronting the issue. As I mentioned, it takes two to tango, and you’re in it with your partner; it’s not a solo project. 

I hope you can create a balanced life that truly makes you and your partner happy and fulfilled. Share your thoughts and experiences with our community; the more stories we have, the more empowered we become!