The Ultimate Tips on Time Management for Working Moms

Time management isn’t just about squeezing more tasks into fewer hours. It’s about enhancing the quality of your time so you can excel in your career, nurture your family, and still steal moments for yourself. As a working mom, every minute counts. In my previous blog, “7 Tips for Mastering the Balancing Act for Working Moms to Find Joy, Fulfillment, and Success,” I discussed the importance of time management for working moms. You see, proper time management helps you reduce stress, achieve more in less time, and ensure you don’t miss out on irreplaceable moments with your loved ones.

Common Time Management Challenges for Working Moms

Many working moms face hurdles, like unexpected work calls during dinner time or homework sessions that run past bedtime. Identifying these challenges is the first step toward solving them. Some of the most frequent challenges include overlapping schedules, feeling guilty for taking “me” time, and the notorious difficulty in saying “no” to extra commitments.

time management

Tips for Setting Goals and Priorities:

  • Be Specific:
    • Why It’s Crucial: According to the renowned SMART criteria, specificity in goal-setting leads to more precise directions and better outcomes.
    • How to Implement: Always quantify or qualify your goals. Instead of “I want to be healthier,” aim for “I will go for a 20-minute walk every evening after work.”
  • Break it Down:
    • Why It’s Beneficial: Breaking tasks down is a fundamental principle of task management. As Psychology Today outlines, it reduces procrastination by making tasks appear more manageable.
    • How to Implement: For a large task like “Organize the house,” start with smaller tasks like “Declutter the living room” or “Sort out the kitchen pantry.”
  • Prioritize:
    • Why It’s Important: The Eisenhower Box, a renowned productivity strategy, showcases the importance of prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance.
    • How to Implement: At the start of each day or week, list all your tasks and identify which ones need immediate attention and which ones can be scheduled, delegated, or even eliminated.

Effective Time Management Techniques:

  • The Pomodoro Technique:
    • Why Use It: Developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, this technique capitalizes on our brain’s ability to focus in short bursts. The Pomodoro Technique’s website highlights its effectiveness in maintaining high productivity without burnout.
    • How to Implement: Use a timer. Work diligently for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle. After four cycles, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.
  • The Two-Minute Rule:
    • Why It’s Effective: Originally from David Allen’s “Getting Things Done,” this rule suggests that quick tasks should be dealt with immediately. It prevents small tasks from piling up and overwhelming you, as explained in Fast Company.
    • How to Implement: Throughout your day, if you identify a task that can be completed quickly, tackle it then and there instead of putting it off.
  • Batching:
    • Why Use It: Batching reduces the mental load of switching between different types of tasks, an effect coined as “context switching.” An article on outlines its benefits in saving time and mental energy.
    • How to Implement: Dedicate specific blocks of time for similar tasks. For instance, only check and reply to emails between 10-11 AM and 4-5 PM.

Creating a Daily and Weekly Schedule


Map out your week every Sunday. Allocate specific blocks of time for work tasks, family activities, self-care, and household chores. Stick this schedule where everyone can see it—like the fridge! Remember, flexibility is key. Life’s hiccups happen, so be prepared to adjust as needed.

Delegating and Outsourcing Tasks

No one said you had to do it all alone! Involve family members in household chores. Hire services for tasks like cleaning, if feasible. Delegate specific tasks at work, too. Remember, it’s a sign of a good leader.

Tips for Minimizing Distractions and Staying Focused:

  • Create a Dedicated Workspace at Home:
    • Why It’s Important: According to a study by the University of California, Irvine, it takes an average of 23 minutes to regain focus after being distracted. By having a dedicated workspace, you minimize disruptions and encourage a productive mindset.
    • Tips: Choose a quiet spot in your home. If possible, use this space only for work. Personalize it but avoid clutter, as a tidy workspace can enhance concentration.
  • Use Apps like “Forest” for Focused Work:
    • Why It’s Effective: As per Forest’s own data, millions use the app to stay away from their phones and focus on what’s more important. The app lets you “plant a tree,” which will grow over a set time only if you don’t use your phone.
    • Tips: Start with short durations and gradually increase as you build your focus stamina.
  • Schedule Social Media Time:
    • Why It’s Crucial: A report by DataReportal highlights how the average person spends almost 2.5 hours on social media daily. By scheduling set times, you prevent it from eating into your productive hours.
    • Tips: Use apps like “StayFocusd” or “Freedom” to block or limit time on distracting sites.
  • Communicate Boundaries to Your Family:
    • Why It’s Necessary: Respecting work hours at home increases productivity and prevents work from spilling into family time. A Harvard Business Review article stresses the importance of setting boundaries when working remotely.
    • Tips: Hold a family meeting, discuss your work hours, and create visual cues, like a closed door, indicating you shouldn’t be disturbed.

Time-Saving Tools and Apps for Working Moms:

  • for Task Management:
    • Why Use It: A Forbes article mentions it as a top tool for collaboration and organization, claiming it is one of the most scalable and intuitive automated workflow solutions.
    • Tips: Use labels for task types, set deadlines, and integrate them with other apps you use.
  • Calendly for Streamlined Scheduling:
    • Why Use It: Calendly reduces the back-and-forth of meeting scheduling. As per reviews, it’s user-friendly and integrates well with other calendar apps.
    • Tips: Set your availability, integrate with your preferred video conferencing tool, and allow automatic reminders.
  • Instacart for Grocery Deliveries:
    • Why Use It: It allows you to save time on grocery shopping, letting you focus on other priorities. TechCrunch’s usage surged during the pandemic due to its convenience.
    • Tips: Schedule deliveries during off-peak hours and use the repeat order feature for items you purchase regularly.
  • Google Calendar to Sync Family Schedules:
    • Why Use It: It provides an easy way to keep everyone’s schedules in one place. According to Zapier, its features and integrations make it one of the best calendar apps available.
    • Tips: Use color codes for different family members, set appointment reminders, and share the calendar with all family members.

Strategies for Work-Life Balance:


As discussed in my previous article, it is important to find a work-life balance (click here to learn more). The following are practical strategies for you to adopt now!

  • Set Boundaries:
    • Why It’s Important: Frontiers found that blurred work and personal life boundaries can lead to burnout.
    • Tips: Have clear start and end times for work, and make a ritual signaling the transition from work to home mode, like a short walk or meditation.
  • Quality Over Quantity:
    • Why It’s Essential: Quality time means being present, which profoundly impacts relationships. discusses how meaningful conversations and activities can lead to more fulfilling relationships.
    • Tips: Dedicate times when you’re fully present, be it during a meal or bedtime stories. Switch off gadgets and truly engage.
  • Self-Care Mindfulness:
    • Why It Matters: Continuous work without breaks leads to diminishing returns in productivity, according to Scientific American. Time off rejuvenates the mind. Time off rejuvenates the mind. Additionally, practicing mindfulness helps reduce stress and stay in the moment, which is especially beneficial for busy working moms.
    • Tips: Incorporate short breaks during work, indulge in hobbies, and schedule regular “me” time, even if it’s just 15 minutes of reading or a short walk. To aid in your mindfulness journey, I’d recommend Headspace. It offers guided meditation sessions tailored for various needs, from stress relief to sleep aid. Try Headspace through this link (affiliate link) and discover how it can enhance your self-care routine.

Conclusion: Making Time Management a Habit for Busy Working Moms.

Time management isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey. It’s a personalized strategy you craft based on your life’s unique demands. While it might initially seem tricky, remember the goal isn’t perfection but progress. With each tweak and adjustment, you’re creating a better balance for yourself and your loved ones.

So, dear superwoman, here’s to clocking in achievements at work, laughter at home, and still having moments to savor a hot cup of coffee. Cheers to mastering the art of time management, and check out time-blocking techniques to ensure you know all about the time management tips and techniques! Also, if you have tried and have improved your time management skills, share your story! We are excited to hear from you :).