Ultimate Pregnancy Guide 2023 on Tips to Boost Your Conception

Hello, fellow mom-to-be! Welcome to my blog – Prepare for Pregnancy Guide.

I was there just about six years ago, and now I am a proud mother of two beautiful children. You must be very excited to begin this rollercoaster journey of being a mom, or perhaps you are doubting whether or not you are ready. I have prepared a ‘Beby-Ready questionnaire’ for you to prepare yourself for preparing for pregnancy and know whether you are ready to be a mom!

Before we begin, let me share my story. You may feel engaged and be able to relate yourself to this story.

The Journey of Being A Mom Began!

Rolling up the sleeves of my life story, let’s flashback a bit. Picture this: I had tasseled my way out of grad school in a distant land, swiped right on my dream job, and tripped over my shoelaces into the arms of my now-husband. Who could have seen thirty-plus candles on their birthday cake coming up so quickly? Not me!

While my hubby was still tiptoeing around the idea of baby booties and onesies, yours indeed got hit by the baby fever out of nowhere. Believe me, convincing him wasn’t a walk in the park. But after several coffee spills, post-it notes, and heart-to-hearts, we decided, “Hey, let’s shake things up with a mini-us!

With years of mastering the art of not getting “oops! pregnant“, we thought diving into parenthood would be a cakewalk. But darling, let me spill some tea – my belly didn’t get the memo! Months ticked by, and our anticipation turned into concern. My rabbit hole dive into online forums and motherhood blogs handed me a treasure trove of pregnancy tips. I geared up, tracked my cycles, pampered myself, and whispered sweet nothings to my ovaries, mentally preparing for pregnancy.

prepare for pregnancy

And then, drumroll, please… Two months in, and bam! The stork got our address. But here’s the kicker: It was all about syncing up with my body’s rhythm and giving it the TLC it needed.

Let’s begin: Why must you assess when you prepare for pregnancy?

Now that you’re all ears, future mommy-to-b, here’s a little golden nugget from me to you. Before I sprinkle some tried-and-true pregnancy pixie dust your way, how about we dive into a pre-baby checklist? After all, every superhero needs a plan, right?

My rollercoaster ride into the world of pregnancy taught me a thing or two about gearing up for baby town. Plus, I’ve been the go-to gal for my friends who’re toying with the idea of baby-making.

So, whether you’re just daydreaming or dead set on a baby, here’s a checklist tailored just for you. And hey, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” here. Every path to mommyhood is stitched with its own unique patterns and colors.

Alright, are we in this?

Deep breaths. Put on your thinking cap, and let’s dive into these ten burning questions:


  1. Are you mentally and emotionally prepared for this new phase in your life?
  2. Have you researched and selected a healthcare provider to guide you through pregnancy?
  3. Are you taking prenatal vitamins and focusing on a balanced diet?
  4. Have you discussed your pregnancy plans with your partner or support system?
  5. Are you aware of the potential physical changes and discomforts during pregnancy?
  6. Have you considered the financial aspects and prepared for the upcoming expenses?
  7. Have you researched and decided on the birthing options that align with your preferences?
  8. Are you educating yourself about newborn care and parenting techniques?
  9. Have you considered the potential impact of motherhood on your career or personal goals?
  10. Have you taken time to connect with other moms or attend prenatal classes for support?
prepare for pregnancy

Hey there, future momma in the making! Let’s break down your answers and assess how to prepare for pregnancy, shall we?

0-3 Thumbs Up:

Hold your horses! You’re just kicking off the journey. No rush – a world of research and advice is waiting for you. Pull in your squad or tap into the endless mom forums online. The motherhood village is vast and welcoming!

4-7 Thumbs Up:

Look at you go! Your mom’s radar is beeping strong. Dive deeper, stay curious, and don’t shy away from asking all the questions. You’re well on your way to mastering this whole future-mom thing.

8-10 Thumbs Up:

Round of applause! Your mom-readiness meter is off the charts, and you are prepared for pregnancy! Embrace the glow and gear up with confidence. Motherhood might throw curveballs, but you’re batting with style already.

And hey, here’s a nugget of wisdom: The road to motherhood isn’t about getting everything picture-perfect. Every baby step counts. With each question and each doubt, you’re getting prepped for the rollercoaster ahead. Trust the process and let this guide light your way. You’re in for an incredible ride!

Now, onto some juicy tidbits to boost those baby-making odds and prepare for pregnancy!

1. Listen to your body!
Chart out that menstrual cycle. Today’s tech offers an array of apps to help. Initially, I used them as my “uh-oh, not now” guide, but later, they became my “it’s baby-making time!” alert. And when that app chirps about ovulation, double-check with an ovulation test. Timing is everything, and with this, you’re on the money!

2. Keep those toes toasty!
Socks became my nighttime besties. A slight uptick in body temperature around ovulation can be a warm welcome for a potential baby. Or, if you’re into techy things, snag a smartwatch that’s all about fertility tracking.

3. Nourish to flourish!
Load up on those greens and wholesome foods. And don’t skimp on the folic acid; it’s like baby-prep gold. A little chat with a doc can give insights into any extras you might need. Trust me, gearing up nutritionally can be a game-changer.

4. Chill, darling!
The urge to see those two pink lines can get intense. Been there, done that! But stressing can throw your fertility out of whack. So, take a breath, let your hair down, and let nature do its thing. When you’re relaxed and radiant, that’s when the magic brews.

5. Ready to shimmy and shake!

Did you know that breaking a little sweat might just boost your baby-making magic? Yep, science says so! (Shoutout to ACOG’s study on “Exercise During Pregnancy”). A touch of regular jiggling and wiggling can sprinkle some fertility fairy dust your way and gear up your body for the baby-bump rodeo.

prepare for pregnancy

You’ve Got This, Ladies!

Now, diving into these baby-making waters, I’ve got some golden nuggets I swear by. But here’s a pro tip before you jump in Pop by a healthcare champ for a pre-baby checkup. This little chat can give you the lowdown on your body’s readiness and point out any sneaky hurdles on the path ahead. Trust me, it’s like having a GPS for this baby-making journey!

The road to a tiny human onboard is filled with waits and wonders. Every month is like flipping a coin and hoping for that golden result. If the coin toss doesn’t go your way, waiting for the next ovulation feels like binge-watching a slow series. Wishing you all the baby dust in the world! Check out my following articles about practical tips, including tips on parenting tips for new moms and taming toddler tantrums.

P.S. Before you go, click here to learn more about the free motherhood e-book campaign! Join this community and get your ultimate new mom guide for FREE!